Page 37 - Potted History 2017
P. 37

1950s                                       1958

                                             On the 28th June, precisely the 100th anniversary of the School,
                                             Chairman of the Board Leslie Craig and Premier Hawke laid the
                                             foundation stone for the new School at what is now the lower
                                             (Brine) oval of the Wembley Downs site

 By the 1950s, unprecedented post-war   The Wembley Downs land was available
 growth was underway and Western   but an already heavily burdened bank
 Australia’s population increased from   overdraft precluded any development by
 570,000 in 1950 to 730,000 by 1960.   the School there. Representations were
 Consistent with that, the Havelock Street   made to the State Labour Government
 School’s population swelled with the result   in an attempt to break the impasse.
 that it rapidly become overcrowded. In   The Board of Governors’ new Chairman
 1933 it had only 205 pupils, including 33   Lesley Craig, made representations to the
 boarders. By 1953 there were nearly 400   Anglican Church regarding the matter.
 pupils all told with nearly 100 boarders,   Finally Premier A.R.G. Hawke, a friend
 some sleeping over the Headmaster’s   of Lesley Craig despite sitting on the
 living room.  The Honourable Leslie Craig CMG  opposite side of the Parliamentary House,
 proffered an offer that if the School
 could obtain £150,000 from the Diocesan
 Trustees to invest in the new school, the
 Government would pay Hale School
 £225,000 for the leasehold of the Havelock
 Street site.    Premier ‘Bert’ Hawke, assisted by Chairman of
  Hale School Board of Governors, Leslie Craig  Enthusiastic students record the occasion
 Michael G McCall (1951) became Hale
 School’s ninth Rhodes Scholar.

 Michael G McCall
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