Page 42 - Potted History 2017
P. 42
the Duce family of Boyanup who John Prince
financed the building of the old John Prince wrote, looking back in 1965: As if to make it clear to them that
scoreboard in memory of their they would be the highly favoured
son Peter; successive Board of ‘Coming as a stranger from the of the new School, the boarders
Governors for all their work – other world beyond the Nullabor, were welcomed on the Monday by
loyal and generous Old Boy and I had many things to learn. For a temperature of 112 degrees, and
parent groups who raised so instance, that sand is the best hammers, and the rest for good
much money in so many ways – foundation for a building – in spite measure as well. …
the Headmaster and staff who of what the gospel says – and
organised the huge move from the best for growing grass in, The first cricket match, against the
Havelock Street – and especially too! Wonderful stuff, in fact, this Governor’s XI in 1961, had to be
the real heroes of the day, the Western Australian sand. … seen to be believed. I have yet to
boys! hear cricket stories approaching
It is impossible to recall any phase those about the peculiar things
By the end of 1962 we were of the operation of moving the the ball did that day – but the
the Wembley Downs veterans School without recalling sand; game was played and the pitch
and as we raced off to the sand to be hardened into playing tried. …
Commonwealth Games at fields, sand to be covered by
Perry Lakes, we realised that, lawns, sand crunching underfoot But enough of the facilities – they
while schools and buildings are in classroom and laboratory, sand provide only the framework within
essential, it’s the boys after all, driven by the sea breeze to turn which the real school is built. … 1962
who make it. But still, it was rather the gracious administration foyer The first four years at Wembley
wonderful to have a new school into a sandblasting chamber, sand Downs have been years of solid The swimming pool at the
Wembley Downs campus is
on such a site and to appreciate to be kept out of the watering achievement … If the physical opened.
the potential of it all. foundation of the School is sand,
I believe, metaphorically, the true
Those at the magnificent Hale The first dayboys came to meet foundation has been soundly laid Australia’s involvement in the
School of 2008 should look back the Headmaster the Friday in rock’. Vietnam war begins.
in wonder at the Hale of 1961 and before the School opened on Bob Becher (1926-28) wrote of his time at High School:
rejoice that it all happened.’ 1966
Tuesday, February 14, 1961 – in a Tom Hoar
temperature of 98 degrees and, of Tom Hoar remembers that for several The West Australian Institute of ‘Dad died when I was eleven, but I had
17 Alister Macmillan memoir (2008) in Edgar, course, amidst an ocean of sand. Technology opened its doors been brought up to keep a stiff upper
From Slate to Cyberspace, pp 295-297. years the boys would take their shoes lip so that I cried at night when no-one
… Picture a Headmaster trying off at the foot of Wilson House stairs at the Bentley Campus for the
to give new parents a favourable to prevent the spread of sand on the first time. Those visiting Curtin could see me. As a result of my father’s
impression in a calm dignified upper level. On the weekends the University (formerly WAIT) today death we were very poor so Mother ran
interview, with a terrazzo grinding farming boarders borrowed the Grounds may walk past the R.G. Becher a boarding house and the older children
machine at work immediately Department tractor and landscaped the Building, which is named after went to work. However, in my case a rich
outside the study door, hammers area around the boarding houses – and High School student Dr Robert friend of my Mother paid for me to attend
banging in the next-door office, also planted many of the shrubs and trees Becher who developed the High School where I had rich friends and
and builders bursting in every that remain there today. There was a great process which produces synthetic saw how the rich and privileged lived.
now and then, while outside the sense of community spirit … rutile from liminite, a development This experience probably helped my
Headmaster’s wife took delivery which has subsequently added determination to become educated. In
indiscriminately of new boys and In the sum of 1962/63 the Parents & many millions of dollars to the any case, although always relatively poor,
their parents, or of desks, science Friends toiled with their own hands with State’s coffers. Bob was honoured Father and Mother had brought us up to
equipment, the kitchen sink or their Holden utes, shovels and trowels to with an Order of Australia in 1988 be very proud and to walk straight, head
anything else anyone tried to build the scoreboard on the north eastern and made a Fellow of the Royal up, both morally and physically …
bring in. periphery of Craig Oval. Australian Chemical Institute,
among many other honours. At High School almost every child, as I
remember, was caned quite often, two
strokes on the hand, which sometimes
1965: Peter Eakins and Frankie Kuhn
lead the charge to the Inters Athletics
from Havelock Street
18 John Prince in The Haleian, April 1965