Page 32 - Potted History 2017
P. 32

janitor. He was said to be a     your exams or not’. The onus was   around all the private schools at                  of the teachers were regarded as   of getting off-bounds. I would   was another name for homework.
                  Russian, but as he spoke little or   squarely on me. As a result, in my   the time, teaching the “noble art”           sadistic. Mostly when someone    put on my shorts, a singlet and   A housemaster would supervise
                  no English it was impossible to   day at least, Hale boys did not do   as he called it. He had a crooked               was caned they deserved it. A mild   sandshoes and go and see the   each class doing its prep, but
                  tell. He was a small man, almost   outstandingly in the Junior and   nose, a grotesque cauliflower ear                 form of cruelty was the nicknames   Duty Housemaster and request   basically you did what you liked,
                  a dwarf, but powerfully built    Leaving Exams, but they were     and addled brains as testimony to                    bestowed on many boys, often     permission to get on with my     so long as you kept your mouth
                  and he wore a heavy beard and    always successful at university.  its nobility.                                       relating to physical appearance or   training as a cross-country runner.   shut and did not leave your desk.
                  long unkempt hair. He seemed                                                                                           disabilities. I can remember Boof,   Anything to do with sport was   Many of the boys spent prep
                  to have only two jobs: chopping   Furthermore, sport was regarded   My father and elder sister Jill                    Corkhead, No-Neck, Blackbeard,   OK, so permission would be       writing letters home.
                  the wood for the kitchen stoves   as almost as important as       were keen tennis players, and I                      Granny, Scrubby, Beefy, Dog,     automatically given. I would then
                  and hot water system up at the   scholarship at Hale School. One   had learned the rudiments of the                    Duck, Rooballs, Tubby and many   trot off down Havelock Street and   After prep it was back to the
                  boarding house, and cleaning the   afternoon a week was officially   game from them, but my main                       others. I was called ‘Underpants’   cross over into Kings Park and   Boarding House and into bed. We
                  school lavatories. He was the first   given over to competitive sports,   introduction to stroke-making                for a while, but this was too much   spend the next two hours or so   slept in three great dormitories,
                  person I ever saw splitting jarrah   and we placed cricket in the   and serving came from Max                          of a mouthful and was soon       quietly walking or jogging around   each with about 30 beds, and
                  foot-blocks into firewood billets   summer, football in the winter,   Bonner, the school professional.                 abbreviated to ‘Uns’. Both my    the cycle paths through the      each bed with a tiny locker in
                  using a full-size axe held in one   athletics (track and field, as it is   Max was a laid-back, suave man,             brother and I were addressed as   bushland, listening to the birds,   which you kept your personal
                  hard by its throat, while he turned   known today) in the spring and   darkly burnt by a lifetime on the               ‘Uns’ for most of our Hale School   and sniffing the wildflowers. It was   belongings. At a given time,
                  and steadied the foot-block with   tennis in the autumn.          courts, his eyes hidden behind                       days.                            a great psychological relief and   slightly different for each Dorm,
                  the other hand. As I found out                                    mirror sunglasses, and his black                                                      outlet. Similarly, one afternoon a   the housemaster would come
                  years later, this took extraordinary   At other times we swam, rowed,   hair slicked back with brilliantine.           The year my brother and I spent   week I would take the tram down   in and check that each bed was
                  strength, concentration and a    played hockey, shot rifles, entered   He was one of the first tennis                  as boarders was a significant part   Murray Street for my music lesson,   occupied, turn off the lights, and
                  good eye. On lavatory cleaning   life saving competitions or      professionals in Perth.                              of our education. The school     and part of the great pleasure of   lock the doors.
                  duties, he would stride around   boxed. I was in everything, with                                                      boarding house was a world apart.   this was the sense of freedom it
                  the school in rubber boots with   the exception of boxing which I   He made a good living moving                       Here, unlike at home, life was   gave me.                         Lights out would signify sleep
                  a coil of hose in one hand and   regarded then, and still do today,   from one school to another all                   highly regimented. You awoke                                      for some, mischief for others. I
                  a bucket of disinfectant in the   as a ridiculous pursuit. The only   over the metropolitan area,                      to a morning bell, showered and   The aspect of boarder life I    can remember some wonderful
                  other, muttering gutterally to   boxing match (in fact the only   giving his classes, and later,                       dressed as one body, and then    disliked most was the evenings.   arguments in the dark in C Dorm
                  himself, presumably in Russian.   fight) I have ever had in my life,   when pro tennis was starting to                 trooped down to the dining       We would be assembled for        when I was there, one or two of
                  His lavatory-cleaning technique   was the so-called ‘Boarder’s Fight’.   become acceptable, he became                  room for breakfast. Afterwards   dinner and marched in, seven     which ended up in blows….
                  was quick and effective: the whole                                a promoter, bring the big name                       there was an hour to fill in before   or eight to a table. The masters
                  interior of the toilet block would   This was a compulsory boxing   players to Perth.                                  school classes commenced, and    would then arrive and one of them   In retrospect, I am grateful for
                  be sluiced down by application   match which every new board                                                           in wintertime (which I remember   would intone grace (invariably   having experienced the year of
                  of a jet of water from the hose to   had to enter – three one-minute   His teaching methods can be                     most clearly) this was usually spent   “For what we are about to receive   boarding school. It opened my
                  walls, floors, doors, windows and   rounds with some other new    described as ‘tennis by numbers’.                    trying to get warm. The boarding   may the Lord make us truly     eyes to a new world, far removed
                  ceilings, followed by a strategic   boarder, or a selected opponent,   Thirty or so schoolboys would                   house was completely unheated    grateful’). Then dinner would be   from the soft and privileged life
                  sloshing of the contents of the   and they were fierce encounters.   stand in a row facing him on the                  and the upstairs dormitories     served. Finishing the main course   I led at home. There I had been
                  bucket. He was known to us all as   My brother and I both had to go   court. ‘One!’ shouted Max, and                   were bitterly cold. At lunchtime   (usually boiled mutton and vegies)   used to the freedom to come
                  ‘Old Phenyle’.                   through this ritual. He remembers   we would all take our rackets back,               there was another meal in the    and sweets (most often rice or   and go, to my mother cooking
                                                   coming to me in great trepidation   pointing at the back fence. On the                dining room and then back to     tapioca pudding) was compulsory   superb meals and generally being
                  Looking back, I also think now   for my advice, and me telling him   command ‘Two!’ we would put our                   school until classes ended. The   – you were not allowed to leave   concerned about my day-to-day
                  that the teaching culture at Hale   “to dance about and keep the   front foot across and sweep the                     afternoons were usually spent    the table until your plates were   welfare and my father taking
                  was a good one, even if this may   gloves in front of your face”. I   racket to the hitting position. On               wandering around the empty       empty. Most of us were always    an affectionate interest in my
                  not have been a result of school   can’t remember if I followed this   ‘three!’ we would flourish a follow-            school grounds, playing hand-ball   hungry and had no trouble with   schooling and sporting life. At
                  policy. It was made clear to us that   excellent advice myself – in fact   through and fall over. We would             against a wall, kicking a football   this requirement – we would also   Boarding School I was not much
                  if we were to succeed it was up to   I have managed to expunge all   then go through the serve and the                 down on the grass, or ‘training’.   wolf down multiple slabs of bread   more than a number to the adult
                  us – we would not be drummed     memory of this abysmal event     volley in the same manner. I don’t                   The latter was my great escape. I   and jam. After dinner we would   world. Basically I had to look after
                  into scholars. I can remember one   entirely from my brain. There was   remember tennis balls ever being               have never been much of a long   file off back down to the school   myself, or go under. By the same
                  master making this very explicit   a specialist boxing master, Danny   part of the lesson.                             distance runner, but I re-invented   again and there sit in the same   token, the boys I was thrown
                  to me once. ‘Underwood’, he      Ryan, who came to the school                                                          myself as one when I became      classroom we had occupied all    together with in C Dorm treated
                  said ‘what you have to realise is   regularly to coach the boxing   Hale in my days was largely free of                a boarder, because this was      day for yet another hour or two,   me as a mate, and looked after
                  that I get paid whether you pass   team. Danny plied his trade    cruelty and bullying. One or two                     one of the few legitimate ways   for what was called ‘prep’. Prep   me when I was a newcomer to
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