Page 22 - Memorial Groves
P. 22


                                             Cpl Francis M. Lodge (1908-12)                                                        PLAQUE NO 34:                                     PLAQUE NO 35:
                                                                                                                                   Dvr Harold L.Thomas (1906)                        Lt Colin C. Harwood (1907)
                                             51st Battalion
                                             Killed in Action: Passchendaele
                                                                                                                                   110th Howitzer Battery                            10th Australian Light Horse/British Army
                                             12 October 1917. Age 20
                                                                                                                                   Died of Wounds: Surrey England                    Died of Wounds: Nottingham UK
                                                                                                                                   5 November 1917. Aged 23                          6 November 1917. Age 23
                                             Corporal Francis Lodge lived on The Esplanade at
                                             Cottesloe. He attended Hale School from 1908 to 1912.                                 Driver Harold Thomas was the son of a Perth lawyer. He   Lieutenant Colin Harwood's father, Joshua, was an
                                             He also joined the 51st Battalion in 1916 and was killed at                           embarked for France late in 1916 and was posted to the   architect and builder in Perth. Colin, brother of Victor
                                                                                                                                   110th Howitzer artillery battery as a horse handler. He was   eventually went on to qualify as a surveyor. He joined the
                                                                                                                                   badly wounded during the assault on Passchedaele Ridge   10th Light Horse Regiment in May 1915 and served on
                                             Dedicated by his family.                                                              and died of his wounds in England.                Gallipoli as a trooper. Later he was commissioned into a
                                             Placed by his cousin, Mrs Constance Barrett-Lennard,                                                                                    British regiment and was wounded in the fighting around
                                             assisted by Old Haleians, Mr Harry (1938-41) and Mr                                   Dedicated by Hale School.                         Ypres in Belgium. He was transferred to a hospital in
                                             Arthur Lodge (1942-52), also cousins - and whose                                      Placed by Old Boy and then current member of the Hale   Nottingham in England but died there of his wounds.
                                             father fought on the Western Front with an artillery unit                             School Board of Governors, Mr David Aitken, assisted by
                                             between 1916 and 1918.                                                                his son Jacob.                                    Dedicated by Hale School.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Placed by a former commanding officer of the 10th Light
                                             PLAQUE NO 33:                                                                                                                           Horse Regiment in Western Australia, Haleian Lieutenant-
                                                                                                                                                                                     Colonel John Deykin (1947-48).
                                             Pte William G. Mudie (1913)

                                             11th Battalion
                                             Killed in Action: Passchendaele
                                             31 October 1917. Age 20

                                             William Mudie's family lived in Fremantle. He joined the
                                             11th Battalion in 1916 and was posted to the Western
                                             Front as a reinforcement.

                                             Dedicated by Hale School.
                                             Placed by Mrs Jane Inverarity.

                                             Francis Miller Lodge:
                                             Photo Courtesy Australian War Memorial
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