Page 15 - Memorial Groves
P. 15

PLAQUE NO 19:  PLAQUE NO 20:  PLAQUE NO 21:                 PLAQUE NO 22:

 Cpl James Oliver Gemmell   C.S.M. Laurence A. Renou DCM   Cpl Francis H. Christie (1894)  Lt-Col  Leslie Tilney DSO VD

 (1903-06)  (1908-09)    11th Battalion                       16th /13th Battalions

            Died Of Wounds: Dieppe France                     Died of Wounds: Australia. Aged 47.
            22 November 1916. Age 34.
 11th/51st Battalion  52nd Battalion
 Killed in Action Mouquet Farm, Pozieres   Died of Wounds: Hampshire England   Lieutenant-Colonel Leslie Tilney DSO became a regular
 3 Sept 1916. Age 26.  6 November 1916. Age 24.  Corporal Frank Christie's father was a Perth bank manager.   army officer and when war was declared he was appointed
            The family lived in West Perth and Frank was enrolled at   second-in-charge of the Western Australian 16th Battalion.
 Not long after the outbreak of the Great War Corporal   His father was a civil engineer and the family lived at   Hale School in 1894. On the outbreak of war, Frank joined   He served with distinction on Gallipoli and was awarded the
 Gemmell joined the Western Australian 11th Battalion   Cannington. Renou Joined the predominantly Tasmanian   the 6th Reinforcements of the 11th Battalion in time to   Distinguished Service Order for his efforts.
 (January 1915) and served with them on Gallipoli.  12th Battalion and then transferred to the more recently   serve on Gallipoli. He then went with the battalion to
 He transferred to the 51st Battalion and travelled with   formed 52nd Battalion for the Pozieres offensive, as a   France and was also wounded at Pozieres. He died some   He was subsequently appointed the commanding officer of
 them to France and went into action with them later in the   Company Sergeant-Major, having earlier been decorated   weeks later at Dieppe.  the 13th Battalion when they were transferred to France. He
 year during the great Somme offensive.  with the Distinguished Conduct Medal for his services on   was wounded at Pozieres when they were engaged there.
 Gallipoli. He was badly wounded at Pozieres and died of   Dedicated by Hale School.   He was repatriated to Australia but died of his wounds the
 Dedicated by his family.   those wounds in England.  Placed by Mr Ray Hepworth, a member of the Highgate   following year.
            RSL sub-committee responsible for the manufacture and
            maintenance of the hundreds of commemorative plaques   Dedicated by Hale School.
 Dedicated by Hale School.
 Placed by Mr George Kailis (1961-69), then Chairman of   in Kings Park. Mr Hepworth's particular help in the   Placed by Mr Tom Hoar, former Deputy Headmaster of Hale
 the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee of the Hale   commemorative project at Hale has been invaluable and   School, whose father and uncle both served in the Western
 School Board of Governors.   very much appreciated.          Front trenches during the Great War.

                                                              "Most of the Australian forces were

                                                              then moved northward during the

                                                              1916/17 winter lull in the fighting.

                                                              Their next involvement was to be in the

                                                              region of Bullecourt in March, 1917."
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